Sustainable Development Goals
- 15 January 2020
- Posted by: Mathieu Lecacheur
- Category: Secondary

This year, students in Second and First of the Japanese course studied the SDGs being developed all over the world. The SDGs are “Sustainable Development Goals”. It is a common global objective stretching from 2016 to 2030 and composed of 17 objectives and 169 targets aimed at a global reflection around the theme of sustainable society. For 15 years, we are committed to reflecting and acting on the actions of men, the fate of planet Earth, its resources, peace and partnerships all over the world. This year, the city of Kyoto, where we live, was ranked first in a survey on “Sustainable development in large cities” by the newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
From now on, we will report regularly and present everything that is the subject of our reflection around these themes.
May all the people of LFIK join us around Sustainable Development!
Riu BERGONZO, student from 10th
Ministry of Education and Youth
United Nations