Dear parents,
As you now know, a state of emergency has been declared for the prefectures of Osaka, Hyogo and Kyoto. In the statement, the Japanese authorities indicated that the schools remain open.
Classes at LFIK are therefore maintained in face-to-face classes for all levels.
Nevertheless, and in order to avoid a too big stirring, we will put in place from Monday the following measures:
- limited access to the refectory, some classes will now have lunch in their classrooms.
- Propose during sports activities during class time and in extra- activities that do not offer contact with the students.
- School outings are only permitted for outdoor and walking tours.
- Cooking activities are suspended
Barrier gestures are naturally to be continued (mask, hand disinfection and hand washing). I insist on the obligation to take the student’s temperature every morning. In case of fever (or any other symptom), the students cannot come to class. If one of the children in the family has a fever, the siblings will have to stay at home until the doctor’s diagnosis. As a reminder, a receipt from the doctor will then be requested from the families.
Parents for appointments remain authorized to enter the establishment, with mask and prior hand disinfection.
Through all these adaptations and reminders, our objective is to limit the risks of contamination in order to preserve the continuity of classes and learning.
Thank you all for your cooperation and understanding,
Take care of yourself, take care of others.
Emmanuel RESBEUT
Principal ( in japanese) ( in english)