On Friday, January 21, the first 2021-2022 career forum was held.The objective of this forum is to present to our high school and college students a wide range of sectors […]
Last Friday, the 4th, 2nd and 1st grade students of the Lycée Français International de Kyoto (LFIK) took part in the ceremony commemorating the Armistice of November 11, 1918 in […]
EHEF 2021 Online Fair will be held on 29th-30th October and aims to give students a deeper understanding of the appeal of studying in Europe. With its high academic standards, […]
In addition to the APS, the clubs for high school students will start on October 4. Discover all the activities available from 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY […]
Les élèves de 6e réalisent, avec leur professeur d’ histoire-géographie , M. LANNERS, une représentation d’art #pariétal et se posent la question suivante : Pourquoi l’homme de la Préhistoire a-t-il […]
Within the framework of the inter-language project, the 10th grade students and their English teacher, Victor MOISAN, produced a television newscast with reports and interviews in English, Japanese, German and […]
Stereotypes transmitted by the media about Japan and FranceClichés vs. reality ? Surprising information!Japanese people have small eyes because they eat rice and all French people live in Paris…Umm….The list […]
Véritable mémento à destination des élèves et de leur famille, cette brochure de 95 pages dresse un panorama des différentes filières de l’enseignement supérieur en France, avec les conditions d’accès et […]
Manuels en ligne des 5eme Les manuels de français, mathématiques, anglais, allemand, espagnol et physique-chimie de la classe de 5e sont disponibles en ligne. Français Livre en ligne anglais Livre […]
Manuels en ligne des 6eme Les manuels de français, mathématiques et anglais de la classe de 6e sont disponibles en ligne. Français Livre en ligne anglais Livre en ligne anglais […]
The students of LFI KYOTO will participate in the night of the code 2021. First training session today, Wednesday February 10, 2021, with the students of 4th, 3rd and 2nd […]
The Career Forum will take place on Friday, December 11, 2020. The objective is to inform middle school and high school students about the trades that may be accessible to […]