Friday the 29th you were a lot to come to celebrate the end of the school year at the Lycée français de Kyoto.
“Le vent dans les branches de Sassafras” (The Wind in the Sassafras Branches) by R. de Obaldia directed by Pierre Turlur.
The Secondary students of the Lycée Français de Kyoto have the honor to invite you to the performance of their annual play. This year: LE VENT DANS LES BRANCHES DE […]
Wednesday April the 22th, The Lycée français de Kyoto had the pleasure to welcome Mrs Claudine Lepage the Senator representing the French people living abroad. She was escorted by the […]
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que la bibliothèque du LFK est ouverte aux familles du LFK tous les mercredis de 15h30 à 17h15.
The Agency for French Education Abroad (Agence pour l’Enseignement du Français à l’Etranger) is now 25 years old! The Lycée français de Kyoto sends its best wishes for this anniversary!
La Grande Lessive, an exhibition of CE1-CE2-CM1, Artclass and Français Langue étrangère artwork was held on the 26th of March. It was a huge success at the Lycée Français de […]
Some of the students of the Lycée Français de Kyoto joined by others from the Lycée français international de Tokyo, and two German schools the Deutsche Samstag Kyoto and the Deutsche […]
The students of the LFK fallowed on thirsday the 26 a working group about road safety presented by the police forces.
On sunday the 19 April 2015, will take place in the LFK building, a careers event for junior and senior high school students.
Le mercredi 18 février s’est réunit le conseil d’établissement du Lycée Français de Kyoto.
La première campagne des bourses scolaires pour l’année scolaire 2015-2016 est ouverte du 20 janvier au 6 mars 2015.