Back to school 2024-2025

Course of the back-to-school day / Classes from TPS to CM2
Monday 2nd September :
8.30am: opening of gates to students
Students (nursery school/kindergarten children’s parents and elementary school childrens parents if they wish) are invited to go directly to the class concerned (see list board at the entrance).
Vie scolaire and management service will help students and parents to find their way around.
Parents who have not fully completed their child’s enrolment will be accompanied to the secretariat to complete their file with the Financial and Administrative Director.
School life and management service will help students and parents to find their way around.
Parents who have not fully completed their child’s enrolment will be accompanied to the secretariat to complete their file with the Financial Director.
8.30am-8.45am: pupils are welcomed in their classrooms
NB: At 8.50 am at the latest, all parents of primary students (nursery school/kindergarten and elementary school) go to the refectory (only 1 parent per family). Students stay in class (normal lessons)
9.00am – 9.30am: General information meeting for primary school
parents in the refectory
・Update on Eduka
・How the school works /organisation
・Rules (absences – late arrivals)
・Who to contact in the event of a problem
・Main principles of the French education system
・Living together at LFIK
9.30am-10.15am: Special welcome for new LFIK families by members
of the APEK Management Committee and the restricted management, in the refectory.
End of classes for tudentss: 3.30 pm
Course of the first day of school / Secondary classes
Monday 2nd September 2024
Programme :
From 12:30: Opening of the gates to students in the main building
12:30 – 13:30: Lunch in the refectory for those who wish to eat
13:35: Class formation in the schoolyard and departure with the Head
Teachers to the classrooms
13:35 – 16:30 :
- Presentation of the timetable
- Pronote access – lfik mail
- Locker (only for the classes concerned)
- School rules
- Distribution of school books
❖ Animation
❖ School life intervention
16:30 : End of the day